Marion Brown, IGA-London, UK

Dr. Lenka Staun, Head of Psychotherapy Department, International Psychoanalytic University (IPU) Berlin. Germany
Special interest: Rupture and repair in group therapy processes, metallization based group therapy
+ a  research gate profile. 
Chris Evans, Hon. Professor, IGA-London, UK.

+ Research Gate. My particular expertise is psychometrics and methodology generally, more quantitative than qualitative though very much a supporter of qualitative work.  Much of my research output has been around the CORE system of therapy change measures.
Robert Freudenthal, Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust Country, UK
Research interests: Eating disorders, History of psychiatry, Open Dialogue
Spyros Loutsos, HOPE in GA, Athens, Greece

Research interests: Effectiveness of therapeutic groups and group analytic groups, Issues regarding training in group analysis, On-line therapeutic groups

Jason Maratos, FRCPsych, Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, IGA-London, UK

Karen O'Shea, Convenor, Group Analytic Courses, The school of Psychotherapy, Dublin, Ireland

Kristian Valbak, MD, PhD., IGA-Aarhus, Denmark

+ Research Gate, Interests: Assessment for Psychotherapy, Group Analytic Psychotherapy with patients, Training og personal development.